
时间: 2020/07/22   作者:   点击:







本学科现有固定在职人员27人,24名人员具有博士学位,拥有博士学位人员占比为89%。其中教授7人,博士生导师8人、硕士生导师22人。现有在读硕士研究生63人,在读博士研究生25人,在站博士后 3人。





本学位点室内总面积3185 M2,室内智能温室总面积800 M2,校内实验样地50亩,校内长期固定样地650 M2。拥有原子分光光度计、气相色谱、液相色谱、气质联用仪、ICPE-9000CNHS元素分析仪和原子荧光等大型仪器设备。拥有洞庭湖区农村生态系统健康湖南省重点试验室一个,湖南省和教育部共建实验室一个,湖南省猪场废弃物无害化处理与资源化利用工程研究中心一个,建有耘园环境生态观测站,长沙金井镇农业环境观测站,岳阳采桑湖湿地生态观测站和浏阳大围山高山湿地生态监测站四个野外生态站。















2、学术成果:近5年来,团队组成人员先后在国内外学术刊物上发表论文600余篇,其中SCI论文100多篇、 CSSCI论文40多篇、CSCD论文80多篇;出版学术著作8部、教材13部,获省部级科技进步一等奖1项、二等奖3项、三等奖5项,自然科学二等奖1项、三等奖1项,获国家发明专利授权32项、软件著作权3项、编制省级标准2个。


1 团队20102020年发表文章情况统计表(截止时间20206月)





Wu Z, Liang Y, Yuan X, Zou D, Fang J, Jiang L, Zhang J, Yang H, Xiao Z. 2020. MXene Ti3C2 derived Z–scheme photocatalyst of graphene layers anchored TiO2/g–C3N4 for visible light photocatalytic degradation of refractory organic pollutants, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394: 124921−124935. (IF: 10.7)

Zhang L., Zhou L.,Wei J., Xu H.,Tang Q.,Tang J. 2020. Integrating cover crops with chicken grazing to improve soil nitrogen in rice fields and increase economic output. Science of the total environment, 713.IF: 6.6

Li Youzhi, Zhou Qiaoqiao, Ren Bo, Luo Jia, Yuan Jinrui, Ding Xiaohui, Bian Hualin, Yao Xin. 2020. Trends and health risks of dissolved heavy metal pollution in global river and lake water from 1970 to 2017. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 251: 1-24. (IF: 5.8)

Wu, A.-P., He, Y., Ye, S.-Y., Qi, L.-Y., Liu, L., Zhong, W., … Fu, H. (2020). Negative effects of a piscicide, rotenone, on the growth and metabolism of three submerged macophytes. Chemosphere, 250, 126246. (IF: 5.8)

S. Li, D. Zou, L. Li, L. Wu, F. Liu, X. Zeng, H. Wang, Y. Zhu, Z. Xiao, (2020) Evolution of heavy metals during thermal treatment of manure: A critical review and outlooks, Chemosphere. 247125962. (IF:5. 8)

X. Zeng, D. Zou, A. Wang, Y. Zhou, Y. Liu, Z. Li, F. Liu, H. Wang, Q. Zeng, Z. Xiao, (2020) Remediation of cadmium-contaminated soils using Brassica napus: Effect of nitrogen fertilizers, Journal of Environmental Management. 255109885. (IF= 5.6)

Xie, C., Duan, X., Long, C., & Wu, X. (2020). Hepatic lipid metabolism is affected by daily 3-meal pattern with varying dietary crude protein with a pig model. Animal Nutrition. 16-234.5

Fu, H., Yuan, G., & Jeppesen, E. (2020). Trait-based community assembly of submersed macrophytes subjected to nutrient enrichment in freshwater lakes: Do traits at the individual level matter? Ecological Indicators, 110, (IF: 4.2)

Xie, Y., Yuan, X., Wu, Z., Zeng, G., Jiang, L., Peng, X., Li, H. 2019. Adsorption behavior and mechanism of Mg/Fe layered double hydroxide with Fe3O4-carbon spheres on the removal of Pb(II) and Cu(II). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science. 536440-455.  (IF: 6.4)

Fu, H., Yuan, G., Jeppesen, E., Ge, D., Li, W., Zou, D., Liu, Q. (2019). Local and regional drivers of turnover and nestedness components of species and functional beta diversity in lake macrophyte communities in China. Science of The Total Environment. 687206-217. (IF: 6.6)

Wu AP, Zhong W, Yuan JR, Qi LY, Chen FL, Liang YS, He FF, Wang YH. 2019. The factors affecting a native obligate parasite, Cuscuta australis, in selecting an exotic weed, Humulus scandens, as its host. Scientific Reports, 9:511. (IF: 4.2)

Miao, S., Yuan, X., Liang, Y., Wang, H., Leng, L., Wu, Z., Zeng, G. 2018. In situ surface transfer process of Cry1Ac protein on SiO2 The effect of biosurfactants for desorption. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 341, 150158. (IF: 7.7)

Yang, Y., Ge, Y., Tu, P., Zeng, H., Zhou, X., Zou, D., Zeng, Q. 2018. Phytoextraction of Cd from a contaminated soil by tobacco and safe use of its metal-enriched biomass. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 363: 385-393. (IF: 7.7)

Li, L., Zou, D., Xiao, Z., Zeng, X., Zhang, L., Jiang, L., Liu, F. 2018. Biochar as a sorbent for emerging contaminants enables improvements in waste management and sustainable resource use. Journal of Cleaner Production. 210: 1324-1342. (IF: 6.4)

Yuan, X., Wu, Z., Zeng, G., Jiang, L., Zhang, J., Xiong, T., Mo, D. 2018. Synthesis and boosting visible light photoactivity of Ag@AgI/CdWO 4 towards refractory organic pollutants degradation based on interfacial charge transfer. Applied Surface Science, 454, 293–304. (IF: 5.2)

Yang, H., Wang, J., Lv, Z., Tian, J., Peng, Y., Peng, X., Wang, Z. 2018. Metatranscriptome analysis of the intestinal microorganisms in Pardosa pseudoannulata in response to cadmium stress. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 159, 1–9. (IF: 4.9)

Su, L., Du, H., Zeng, F., Peng, W., Rizwan, M., Núñez-Delgado, A., Wang, H. 2019. Soil and fine roots ecological stoichiometry in different vegetation restoration stages in a karst area, southwest China. Journal of Environmental Management, 252, 109694. (IF: 5.6)

Zeng, X., Xiao, Z., Zhang, G., Wang, A., Li, Z., Liu, Y., Zou, D. 2018. Speciation and bioavailability of heavy metals in pyrolytic biochar of swine and goat manures. Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, 132, 82–93. (IF: 3.5)

Gong, X., Huang, D., Liu, Y., Zeng, G., Wang, R., Wan, J., Xue, W. 2017. Stabilized Nanoscale Zerovalent Iron Mediated Cadmium Accumulation and Oxidative Damage of Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaudich Cultivated in Cadmium Contaminated Sediments. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(19), 11308–11316. (IF: 7.2)













吴爱平与国外合作导师Klaus Birkhofer





  符辉与国外合作导师Erik Jeppesen


 胡腾老师在Aarhus University攻读博士





















