姓名:张满云 职称:教授 工作QQ:1031150114
张满云,博士,教授,博士生导师。2015年3月-2018年3月于澳大利亚格里菲斯大学攻读博士学位。现任湖南农业大学生态系教师,主持国家自然科学基金项目2项、省自然科学基金优秀青年基金项目1项,参与多项国家级课题研究。以第一作者或通讯作者在Soil Biology and Biochemistry、Agricultural and Forest Meteorology、Geoderma、Plant and Soil、Journal of Hazardous Materials、Environmental Pollution、土壤通报等学术期刊上发表论文36篇,获得授权国家发明专利2项。担任本科生课程《土壤生态学》主讲人与研究生课程《生态学研究热点》课程负责人的教学工作。近年来主要从事土壤生态学方向的研究,涉及土壤氮循环,土壤污染修复与温室气体减排等研究。
2023/01-至今 湖南农业大学,环境与生态学院
2020/05-2022/12 湖南农业大学,资源与环境学院
1. 本科生课程《土壤生态学学》主讲人。
2. 研究生双语课程《生态学研究热点》课程负责人。
[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,过碳酰胺调控多菌灵在土壤-植物中降解与转运机制的研究,2022-2025年,主持。
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,食用菌菌渣对土壤氮循环的影响机制研究,2020-2022年,主持。
[3] 湖南省自然科学优秀青年基金,资源化利用食用菌菌渣修复农业土壤污染的酶学与分子学机制研究,2021-2023年,主持。
[1] 2020-2021年度湖南农业大学“科研工作先进个人”。
[2] 2019年获得中华人民共和国教育部留学基金委授予的国家优秀自费留学生奖。
[3] 2017、2018年度获得澳大利亚格里菲斯大学未来环境研究所学术论文奖。
[1] Guo T., J. O'Connor P., Zhao X., Zhou T., Wang Y., Zhang M., 2023. The win-win effects of nitrification inhibitors on soil-crop systems: Decreasing carbendazim residues but promoting soil bacterial community diversities and stabilities and crop yields. Journal of Hazardous Materials (通讯作者).
[2] Zheng, Q., Wang, W., Wen, J., Wu, R., Wu, J., Zhang, W., Zhang, M., 2023. Non-additive effects of bamboo-derived biochar and dicyandiamide on soil greenhouse gas emissions, enzyme activity and bacterial community. Industrial Crops and Products, 194, 116385 (通讯作者)
[3] Liu, Y., Bai, S. H., Wang, D., Zhang, L., Hu, D., Wen, J., Zhang, M., 2022. Relationships among phosphatase activities, functional genes and soil properties following amendment with the bacterium Burkholderia sp. ZP‐4. Land Degradation & Development, 33(17), 3427-3437. (通讯作者)
[4] Liu, Y., Hosseini Bai, S., Wang, J., Hu, D., Wu, R., Zhang, W., Zhang, M., 2022. Strain Klebsiella ZP-2 inoculation activating soil nutrient supply and altering soil phosphorus cycling. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 22(8), 2146-2157. (共同通讯作者)
[5] Wang, A., Zou, D., O’Connor, P., Chen, B., Zou, J., Zhou, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, M., 2023 Assistant effects of spent mushroom substrate and its derived biochar on soil phytoremediation. Journal of Soils and Sediments. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11368-023-03452-8 (通讯作者)
[6] Wang, A., Zou, D., Xu, Z., Chen, B., Zhang, X., Chen, F., Zhang, M., 2023. Combined effects of spent mushroom substrate and dicyandiamide on carbendazim dissipation in soils: Double-edged sword effects and potential risk controls. Environmental Pollution, 120992(通讯作者)
[7] Zhou, T., Guo, T., Wang, Y., Wang, A., Zhang, M., 2023. Carbendazim: Ecological risks, toxicities, degradation pathways and potential risks to human health. Chemosphere, 137723(通讯作者).
[8] Zou, D., Wang, J., Wang, W., Ye, X., Yang, C., He, F., Zhang, M., 2022. Co-occurrences of soil nitrogen cycling and human‐disease genes following spent mushroom substrate and nitrification inhibitor applications: A strategy for decreasing health risk. Land Degradation & Development, 33, 2769-2782(通讯作者).
[9] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Bai, S. H., Xu, Z., Wang, J., Liu, M., Zou, D., 2022. Effects of spent mushroom substrate and nitrification inhibitor on nitrate accumulation in pepper: soil abiotic properties and endophytic and soil bacteria. Plant and Soil, 481, 331-348
[10] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Hosseini Bai, S., Xu, Z., Yun, Z. & Zhang, W. 2022. Linking Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) growth with soil nitrogen cycling and microbial community of plant-soil system: effects of plant age and niche differentiation. Industrial Crops and Products, 114520
[11] Zhang, M., Niu, Y., Wang, W., Bai, S. H., Luo, H., Tang, L., Xu, Z., Guo, X., 2021. Responses of microbial function, biomass and heterotrophic respiration, and organic carbon in fir plantation soil to successive nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 105, 8907–8920.
[12] Xiao, Y., Liu, S., Zhang, M., Tong, F., Xu, Z., Ford, R., Zhang, T., Shi X., Wu Z., Luo, T., 2021. Plant functional groups dominate responses of plant adaptive strategies to urbanization. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2594. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2021.773676 (通讯作者).
[13] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Bai, S. H., Liu, S., Chen, C., Xu, Z., Guo, X., 2021. Intensive management of phosphorus fertilization in Camellia oleifera Abel. to minimize phosphorus losses to the environment. Industrial Crops and Products, 170, 113824
[14] Zhang, M., O'Connor, P., Zhang, J., Ye, X., 2021. Linking soil nutrient cycling and microbial community with vegetation cover in riparian zone. Geoderma, 384, 114801.
[15] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Tang, L., Heenan, M., Wang, D., Xu, Z., 2021. Impacts of prescribed burning on urban forest soil: Minor changes in net greenhouse gas emissions despite evident alterations of microbial community structures. Applied Soil Ecology, 158, 103780.
[16] Niu, Y., *Zhang, M., Bai, S.H. Xu, Z.H., *Liu, Y., Chen, F., Guo, X., Luo, H., Wang, S., Xie, J., Yuan, X., 2020. Successive mineral nitrogen or phosphorus fertilization alone significantly altered bacterial community rather than bacterial biomass in plantation soil. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 104, 7213–7224 (共同通讯作者)
[17] Xiao, Y., Liu, S., *Zhang, M., Chen, B., Xu, Z., Pan, Y., Shi, X., Wu, Z., Luo, T., 2020. Biotic and abiotic properties most closely associated with subtropical forest soil respiration differ in wet and dry seasons: a 10-year in situ study. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 292, 108134 (通讯作者).
[18] Niu, Y., *Zhang, M., Bai, S.H., Xu, Z.H., Liu, Y.,* Chen, F., Guo, X., Zhang, L., Luo, H., Zhang, Q., 2020. Mineral fertilization and soil depth slightly affected aggregate structures despite significantly altered microbial properties in surface forest soils. Journal of Soils and Sediments 20, 3615-3626 (共同通讯作者).
[19] Zhang, M., Wang, J., Bai, S.H., Zhang, Y., Teng, Y., Xu, Z., 2019. Assisted phytoremediation of a co-contaminated soil with biochar amendment: Contaminant removals and bacterial community properties. Geoderma, 348, 115-123.
[20] Zhang, M., Zhang, W., Bai, S.H., Niu, Y., Hu, D., Ji, H., Xu, Z., 2019. Minor increases in Phyllostachys edulis (Moso bamboo) biomass despite evident alterations of soil bacterial community structure after phosphorus fertilization alone: Based on field studies at different altitudes. Forest Ecology and Management, 451, 117561.
[21] Zhang, W., Liu, S., *Zhang, M., Li, Y., Sheng, K., Xu, Zhi., 2019. Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) rhizosphere increasing soil microbial activity rather than biomass. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 19, 2913-2926. (通讯作者)
[22] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Bai, S. H., Zhou, X., Teng, Y., Xu, Z., 2018. Antagonistic effects of nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate and fungicide iprodione on net nitrification in an agricultural soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 116, 167-170.
[23] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Tang, L., Heenan, M. and Xu, Z., 2018. Effects of nitrification inhibitor and herbicides on nitrification, nitrite, and nitrate consumptions and nitrous oxide emission in an Australian sugarcane soil. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 54, 697-706.
[24] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Wang, D., Heenan, M., Xu, Z., 2018. Short-term responses of soil nitrogen mineralization, nitrification and denitrification to prescribed burning in a suburban forest ecosystem of subtropical Australia. Science of The Total Environment, 642, 879-886.
[25] Zhang, M., Wang, J., Bai, S.H., Teng, Y. Xu, Z., 2018. Evaluating the effects of phytoremediation with biochar additions on soil nitrogen mineralization enzymes and fungi. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25, 23106-23116.
[26] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Zhang, Y., Teng, Y., Xu, Z., 2017. Effects of fungicide iprodione and nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate on soil enzyme and bacterial properties. Science of The Total Environment, 599, 254-263.
[27] Zhang, M., Teng, Y., Zhang, Y., Ford, R., Xu, Z., 2017. Effects of nitrification inhibitor 3, 4-dimethylpyrazole phosphate and fungicide iprodione on soil fungal biomass and community: based on internal transcribed spacer region. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 17, 1021-1029.
[28] Zhang, M., Wang, W., Wang, J., Teng, Y., Xu, Z., 2017. Dynamics of biochemical properties associated with soil nitrogen mineralization following nitrification inhibitor and fungicide applications. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 11340-11348.
[29] Zhang, M., Bai, S. H., Tang, L., Zhang, Y., Teng, Y., Xu, Z., 2017. Linking potential nitrification rates, nitrogen cycling genes and soil properties after remediating the agricultural soil contaminated with heavy metal and fungicide. Chemosphere, 184, 892-899.
[30] Teng, Y., Zhang, M., Yang, G., Wang, J., Christie, P., Luo, Y., 2017. Successive chlorothalonil applications inhibit soil nitrification and discrepantly affect abundances of functional genes in soil nitrogen cycling. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 3562-3571 (共同第一作者).
[31] 汪久翔, 邹冬生, 王 华, 刘梦婷, 王安岽, 张满云, 2023. 不同土壤湿度下平菇菌渣施用对土壤酶活性和温室气体排放的影响[J]. 土壤通报,54: 151 -160.(通讯作者)
博士: 生态学
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