姓名:李有志 职称:教授 电话:13787269459
E-mail: liyouzhi2004@163.com
2023-01至今 湖南农业大学,环境与生态学院
2019-10至2022-12 湖南农业大学,资源环境学院
2017-12至2018-08 英国国家生态与水文中心(Center for Ecology and Hydrology),访问学者
2015-07至2019-07 湖南农业大学,生物科学技术学院
2014-07至2017-08 中国林业科学研究院,湿地研究所,博士后
2007-07至2015-06 湖南省林业科学院,生态研究所
2011-09至2014-06 湖南农业大学与中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所联合培养博士,生态学,理学博士
2004-09至2007-07 湖南农业大学,生态学,理学硕士
2000-09至2004-07 湖南农业大学,园艺学,农学学士
[1] 湖南省-国家自然科学基金委区域创新发展联合基金课题:洞庭湖湿地生态格局演变及驱动机制(U21A2009),2021-2025;
[2] 湖南省高新技术产业科技创新引领计划项目:洞庭湖湖滨缓冲带水体污染物高效拦截技术集成与示范(2020SK2019),2020-2022;
[3] 湖南省重点研发计划课题:洞庭湖入湖河口湿地生态修复技术研发与示范(2022SK2088),2022-2024;
[4] 湖南省重点研发计划课题:亚欧水资源研究和利用合作中心郴州分中心创新支撑能力建设与提升(2019SK2336),2019-2023;
[5] 郴州国家可持续发展议程创新示范区建设专项课题:亚欧水资源研究和利用合作中心郴州分中心(2019sfq21),2019-2023;
[6] 国家生态环境部生物多样性调查与评估专项课题:极危苏铁调查与保护成效评估(2019HJ2096001006),2019-2022;
[7] 湖南省重点研发计划课题:洞庭湖南荻生态效应评价与生态功能康复关键技术研究(2019NK2011),2019-2022;
[8] 湖南省重点研发计划课题:海绵城市规划设计与工程建设关键技术引进及应用示范(2017WK2082),2017-2020;
[9] 湖南省自然科学基金面上项目:洞庭湖湿地南荻弃收对土壤生态环境的影响(2021JJ30330),2021-2023;
[10] 湖南省自然科学青年基金:洞庭湖湿地珍稀物种川三蕊柳退化的环境学解释(2016JJ3073),2016-2018;
[11] 湖南省教育厅重点项目:洞庭湖湿地南荻退出经营后生态环境变化评估”(19A225),2019-2021;
[12] 湖南省教育厅优秀青年项目:洞庭湖湿地重金属污染对植物繁殖的影响(16B121),2016-2018;
[13] 湖南省水利科技项目:东江湖库区消落带关键水文要素时空格局演变研究(XSKJ2022068-31),2022-2024。
[1] 2021-2022年度湖南农业大学“优秀教师”
[2] 2020-2021年度湖南农业大学“优秀共产党员”;
[3] 2020年湖南农业大学教师课堂教学竞赛,一等奖;
[4] 2014年湖南农业大学优秀博士学位论文。
[1] Peng Z H, Du Y H, Niu S Y, Xi L L, Niu Y D, Li Y Z*. 2022. Differences in nitrogen and phosphorus sinks between the harvest and non-harvest of Miscanthus lutarioriparius in the Dongting Lake wetlands. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 989931.
[2] Du Y H, Zhou Q Q, Peng Z H, Peng F C, Xi L L, Li Y Z*. 2022. Does a widespread species have a higher competitive ability than an endemic species? A Case study from the Dongting Lake wetlands. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13: 864316.
[3] Yao X, Luo K, Niu Y D, Li Y Z* Ren Bo. 2021. Ecological Risk from Toxic Metals in Sediments of the Yangtze, Yellow, Pearl, and Liaohe Rivers, China. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 107: 140–146.
[4] Niu Y D, Chen F L, Li Y Z*, Ren Bo. 2021. Trends and sources of heavy metal pollution in global river and lake sediments from 1970 to 2018. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 257: 1–35.
[5] Ren B, Xie Y H, Li Y Z*. 2020. Understory floristic diversity in Poplar plantations in the Dongting Lake Wetlands, China. Wetlands, 38: 1–12.
[6] Bian H L, Li W, Li Y Z*, Ren B, Niu Y D, Zeng Z Q. 2020. Driving forces of changes in China's wetland area from the first (1999-2001) to second (2009-2011) National Inventory of Wetland Resources. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21: e00867.
[7] Li Y Z*, Zhou Q Q, Ren B, Luo J, Yuan J R, Ding X H, Bian H L, Yao X. 2020. Trends and health risks of dissolved heavy metal pollution in global river and lake water from 1970 to 2017. Reviews of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 251: 1–24
[8] Zhou Q Q, Yang N, Li Y Z*, Ren B, Ding X H, Bian H L, Yao X. 2020. Total concentrations and sources of heavy metal pollution in global river and lake water bodies from 1972 to 2017. Global Ecology and Conservation, 22: e00925.
[9] Dou Z G, Li Y Z†, Cui L J, Pan X, Ma Q F, Huang Y L, Lei Y R, Li J, Zhao X S, Li W*. 2020. Hyperspectral inversion of Suaeda salsa biomass under different types of human activity in Liaohe Estuary wetland in north-eastern China. Marine and Freshwater Research, 71: 482–492.
[10] Ding X H, Luo J, Li Y Z*, Ren B, Bian H L, Yao X, Zhou Q Q. 2019. Survival of completely submerged Salix triandroides cuttings is associated with non-structural carbohydrate metabolism. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 34: 395–404.
[11] Li Y Z, Bian H L, Ren B, Xie Y H*, Ding X H, Yao X, Zhou Q Q. 2019. Morphological responses of two plant species from different elevations in the Dongting Lake wetlands, China, to variation in water levels. Nordic Journal of Botany, 37: e01987.
[12] Yao X, Yang N, Li Y Z*, Bian H L, Ding X H, Zhou Q Q. 2019. Bioaccumulation in Miscanthus sacchariflorus grown on cadmium-contaminated sediments: a comparative study between submerged and non-submerged environments. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 21(3): 240–245.
[13] Deng Z M, Li Y Z, Xie Y H, Peng C H, Chen X S, Li F, Ren Y J, Pan B H, Zhang C Y. 2018. Hydrologic and edaphic controls on soil carbon emission in Dongting Lake floodplain, China. Journal of Geophysical Research, 123: 3088-3097.
[14] Yao X, Niu Y D, Li Y Z*, Zou D S, Ding X H, Bian H L. 2018. Heavy metal bioaccumulation by Miscanthus sacchariflorus and its potential for removing metals from the Dongting Lake wetlands, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 20003–20011.
[15] Yao X, Ma F F, Li Y Z *, Ding X H, Zou D S, Niu Y D, Bian H L, Deng J J. 2018. Effect of water cadmium concentration and water level on the growth performance of Salix triandroides cuttings. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25: 8002–8011.
[16] Li YZ, Cui L J*, Yao X, Ding X X, Pan X, Zhang M Y, Li W, Kang X M. 2018. Trade-off between leaf chlorophyll and betacyanins in Suaeda salsa in the Liaohe estuary wetland in northeast China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11: 569–575.
[17] Ding X H, Zou J F, Li Y Z*, Yao X, Zou D S, Zhang C M, Yang N, Niu Y D, Bian H L, Deng J J, Ge Z X. 2017. Acclimation of Salix triandroides cuttings to incomplete submergence is reduced by low light. Aquatic Ecology, 50: 1–10.
[18] 姚欣,边华林,李有志*,周巧巧.洞庭湖湿地南荻碳密度及其影响因子分析.湖南农业大学学报(自然科学版),2021, 47(5): 547–552.
[19] 刘世好, 易巾豪, 李有志*, 牛艳东, 曹虹, 刘丽晖. 2020. 31 省(直辖市或自治区)湿地中的国家重点保护野生动物资源特点. 湿地科学, 18(4): 381–386.
[20] 周巧巧, 任勃, 李有志*, 牛艳东, 丁小慧, 姚欣, 边华林. 2020. 中国河湖水体重金属污染趋势及来源解析. 环境化学, 39(8): 2044-2054.
[1] 《洞庭湖湿地生态环境演变》
[2] 《中国湿地-湖南卷》
[3] 《湿地生态修复技术与模式》
[4] 《中国滨海湿地生态系统服务功能及价值评价》
[5] 《洞庭湖湿地生态环境状况2015-2020》
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