
时间: 2020/07/22   作者:   点击:


湖南农业大学生态学学科是由上世纪七、八十年代刁操铨、余铁桥、严斧、邹冬生、杨仁斌等知名教授组成的学科团队发展而来。1998和2003年先后获生态学二级硕士授权点和博士点二级授权点;2002年获省批生态学本科专业;2011年获批生态学一级学科硕士授权点和一级学科博士授权点; 2012年获批生态学博士后科研流动站。本学科在“十一五”、“十二五”和“十四五”期间皆为湖南省重点学科,“十三五”湖南省国内一流培育学科,2019年生态学专业成为湖南省一流本科专业建设点。生态学科作为主体力量,推动我校生态环境学科进入了ESI 全球排名前1%。。目前在生态学一级学科下设有农业生态学、环境生态学、湿地生态学3个学科方向,形成了本-硕-博-博后四级人才培养体系。




生态学科建有“洞庭湖区农村生态系统健康”湖南省重点实验室、“农业典型污染生态修复与湿地保护”湖南省国际科技合作合作基地、“湖南省灌溉水源水质污染净化工程技术研究中心”、“重金属污染耕地安全高效利用”湖南省工程技术研究中心、“湖南省种植与养殖污染系统防控工程技术中心”、“环境与资源实践教学中心”等多个省部级教学科研平台。在洞庭湖(君山)、浏阳大围山、长沙金井等建有生态学专业科研实习基地与研究生培养创新基地。学科现有科研平台面积4000 m2,室内智能温室总面积800 m2,拥有原子分光光度计、气相色谱、液相色谱、气质联用仪、ICPE-9000、CNHS元素分析仪和原子荧光等大型仪器设备。


u  科学研究:近5年来,学科先后主持完成国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划项目课题、省部级纵向科研项目40余下项,承担企事单位等横向科研课题46项,累积合同科研经费4500多万元。

u  学术成果:近5年来,学科先后在国内外学术刊物上发表论文537篇,其中SCI论文112篇、CSSCI论文56篇、CSCD论文87篇;出版学术著作8部、教材6部,获省部级科技进步二等奖1项、三等奖3项,自然科学二等奖1项、三等奖1项,获国家发明专利授权32项、软件著作权3项。

u  人才培养:培养生态学专业本科毕业生252人、硕士毕业生127人、博士毕业生23人,博士后出站人员6人;培训青年农场主183人,新型职业农民285人,农村致富带头人332人。


Zhang M, Wang W, Bai S, Xu Z, Yun Z, Zhang W. 2022. Linking Phyllostachys edulis (moso bamboo) growth with soil nitrogen cycling and microbial community of plant-soil system: effects of plant age and niche differentiation, Industrial Crops and Products, 2022, 177: 114520. (IF: 6.45)

Wu Z, Tong Z, Xie Y, Sun H, Gong X, Qin P, Liang Y, Yuan X, Zou D, Jiang L. 2022. Efficient degradation of tetracycline by persulfate activation with Fe, Co and O co−doped g−C3N4: Performance, mechanism and toxicity, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 434; 134732. (IF: 16.74)

Zuo M, Li X, Liang Y, Zhao F, Sun H, Liu C, Gong X, Qin P, Wang H, Wu Z. 2022. Modification of Sulfur doped Carbon nitride and its application in photocatalysis, Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 308:122875. (IF: 9.14)

Li X, Sun H, Xie Y, Liang Y, Gong X, Qin P, Jiang L, Guo J, Liu C, Wu Z. 2022. Principles, synthesis and applications of dual Z-scheme photocatalysts, Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2022, 467: 214596. (IF: 24.83)

Fu H, Chen L, Ge Y, Wu A, Liu H, Li W, Yuan G, Jeppesen E. 2022. Linking human activities and global climatic oscillation to phytoplankton dynamics in a subtropical lake, Water research, 2022, 208: 117866. (IF: 13.4)

Zhang Z, Du L, Xiao Z, Li C, Wang Z, Zhou P, Sun G, Ye Y, Hu T, Wang, H. 2022. Rice-crayfish farming increases soil organic carbon, Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2022, 329: 107857. (IF: 6.58)

Liu H, Meng C, Wang Y, Liu X, Li Y, Li Y, Li Y. 2022. Multi-spatial scale effects of multidimensional landscape pattern on stream water nitrogen pollution in a subtropical agricultural watershed, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 321: 115962. (IF: 8.91)

Meng C, Liu H, Li Y, Shen J, Li X, Deng Y, Gong D, Wu J. 2022. Influence path identification of topography, soil, hydrology and landscape on phosphorus buffering capacity in typical agricultural catchments in central subtropical China, Journal of Environmental Management, 2022, 315: 115164. (IF: 8.91)

Peng Z, Du Y, Niu S, Xi L, Niu Y, Li Y. 2022. Differences in nitrogen and phosphorus sinks between the harvest and non-harvest of Miscanthus lutarioriparius in the Dongting Lake wetlands, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 989931. (IF: 6.63)

Zheng X, Zou D, Wu Q, Wang H, Li S, Liu F, Xiao Z. 2022. Review on fate and bioavailability of heavy metals during anaerobic digestion and composting of animal manure, Waste Management, 2022, 150: 75-89. (IF: 8.82)

Deng X, Chen B, Chen Y, Jiang L, Hu Y, Yang Y, Rong X, Peng L, Zeng Q. 2022. Flag leaf cell wall functional groups and components play a crucial role in the accumulation and translocation of Cd in rice grain via foliage application of humic acid,.Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2022, 239: 113658. (IF: 7.13)

Yang H, Wang Z, Wang J, Lv B, Wu Z, Tian J, Yang J. 2021. Cadmium-induced oxidative stress and transcriptome changes in the wolf spider Pirata subpiraticus, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 785: 147364. (IF: 10.75)

Lv B, Yang H, Wang J, Zeng Z, Li N, Tang Y, Wang, Z, Song Q. 2021. Cadmium exposure alters expression of protective enzymes and protein processing genes in venom glands of the wolf spider Pardosa pseudoannulata, Environmental Pollution, 2021, 268: 115847.(IF: 9.99)

Fu H, Ozkan K, Yuan G, Johansson L, Sondergaard M, Lauridsen T Jeppesen E. 2021. Abiotic and biotic drivers of temporal dynamics in the spatial heterogeneity of zooplankton communities across lakes in recovery from eutrophication, Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 778: 146368. (IF: 10.75)

Gong X, Huang D, Liu Y, Zou D, Hu X, Zhou L, Wu Z, Yang Y, Xiao Z. 2021. Nanoscale zerovalent iron, carbon nanotubes and biochar facilitated the phytoremediation of cadmium contaminated sediments by changing cadmium fractions, sediments properties and bacterial community structure, Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 2021, 208: 111510. (IF: 7.13)

Chai Y, Qin P, Wu Z, Bai M, Li W, Pan J, Cao R, Chen A, Jin D, Peng C. 2021. A coupled system of flow-through electro-Fenton and electrosorption processes for the efficient treatment of high-salinity organic wastewater, Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 267:118683. (IF: 9.14)

Chen A, Li W, Zhang X, Shang C, Luo S, Cao R, Jin D. 2021. Biodegradation and detoxification of neonicotinoid insecticide thiamethoxam by white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 417: 126017. (IF: 14.22)

Hu T, Chabbi A. 2021. Does the higher root carbon contribution to soil under cropping cycles following grassland conversion also increase shoot biomass?, Science of The Total Environment, 2021, 752: 141684. (IF: 10.75)

Tan M, Li H, Huang Z, Wang Z, Xiong R, Jiang S, Zhang J, Wu Z, Li C, Luo L. 2021. Comparison of atmospheric and gas-pressurized oxidative torrefaction of heavy-metal-polluted rice straw, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021: 283: 124636. (IF: 11.07)

Fu H, Yuan G, Ozkan K, Johansson L S, Sondergaard M, Lauridsen T, Jeppesen E 2020. Seasonal and long-term trends in the spatial heterogeneity of lake phytoplankton communities over two decades of restoration and climate change, Science of The Total Environment, 2020, 748: 141106. (IF: 10.75)

Wu Z, Liang Y, Yuan X, Zou D, Fang J, Jiang L, Zhang J, Yang H, Xiao Z. 2020. MXene Ti3C2 derived Z–scheme photocatalyst of graphene layers anchored TiO2/g–C3N4 for visible light photocatalytic degradation of refractory organic pollutants, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 394: 124921−124935. (IF: 16.74)

Wu A, He Y, Ye S, Qi L, Liu L, Zhong W, Wang Y, Fu H. 2020. Negative effects of a piscicide, rotenone, on the growth and metabolism of three submerged macophytes, Chemosphere, 2020, 250, 126246. (IF: 8.94)

Zhang L, Zhou L, Wei J, Xu H, Tang Q, Tang J. 2020. Integrating cover crops with chicken grazing to improve soil nitrogen in rice fields and increase economic output, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 713: 135218. (IF: 10.75)

Deng X, Chen Y, Yang Y, Lu L, Yuan X, Zeng H, Zeng Q. 2020. Cadmium accumulation in rice (Oryza sativa L.) alleviated by basal alkaline fertilizers followed by topdressing of manganese fertilizer, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 262: 114289. (IF: 9.99)

Deng X, Yang Y, Zeng H, Chen Y, Zeng Q. 2020. Variations in iron plaque, root morphology and metal bioavailability response to seedling establishment methods and their impacts on Cd and Pb accumulation and translocation in rice (Oryza sativa L.), Journal of hazardous materials, 2020, 384: 121343. (IF: 14.22)
